Friday, November 7, 2014

Garrett Gilbert Griswold

When I was in my last trimester and huge pregnant the doctor wanted to do an ultrasound to see how big the baby was.  I had gestational diabetes and Maggie being the little love she was wouldn't turn, (yes we tried manually (terrible experience)) so I had to have a C-Section with her.  I really wanted to try and have Garrett natural, drug induced and intoxicated if necciscary but at least vaginally as natural as that may be.  When they were doing the ultrasound they took an extra long time, Michelle was with me and a had Maggie thank heavens, she had taken her out of the room.  The nurse told me the doctor was going to come in and talk to me, I never really thought anything to much of it, my doctors had always been great at OU, but I was a little nervous.  The nurse handed me the paper work.  We had waited to find out what we were having, like waited 8 1/2 months, there was MALE printed right on the papers.  I was really nervous to have a boy, the only boy I had ever really been around growing up was Steven, I hadn't ever seen much male anatomy, everything boy petrified me.  Then the doctor came in and said they had found a spot on his kidney, from that moment on my heart was attatched to this "boy." I loved him, I knew I'd do anything in the world for him, I yearned for him, and I knew he had my heart.

About a week later at 1:03 in the morning I had the most beautiful little baby boy you have ever seen, he was amazing, the whole thing was amazing.  He has been such a gift from God.  He is the happiest, most cheerful little soul you have ever met.  He smiles at everyone and when he smiles he smiles with ever fiber of his being, it warms your heart!  He wakes up happy (my little sunshine sue sometimes not so much in the happiness area upon waking).  I fall a little more in love with him everyday.  Right now he has four little teeth, when he smiles it is so freaking cute, he kinda scrunches up his little face and his little eyes, I just want to keep him captured in my heart just as he is, he has been such a fun baby, I have loved being his Mamma.

We knew that we were going to have further testing on his little kidney, I think both John and I thought it would go away.  Well we continued to have tests and ultrasounds, catscans, and that little growth continued to fail to leave.  We were advised that it was going to be best to take it out.

The day we took you in was about as bittersweet as anything I have ever done.  Handing you over to the doctor was more than hard, it was almost unbearable.  We knew that the likelihood of something going wrong was slim but there was still a chance that we would never see our little baby again.  We stood in the room after they took you away and  held each other and cried, we said several prayers as a little family until you returned.  Since I have had babies I have came to the realization that you deal with Heavenly Father to watch over your family and you sweetheart.  You never realize how much your heart will be in love.

You have a pretty good scar little man. You had a drain in for a week and had to be in the hospital for about three days.  I slept in your crib with you, I was also very thankful to be able to go home.  We love you John Garrett Griswold and we are so glad you are ours!